Letter (25.05.2004)
Date: Mon,24 May 2004 22:05:18 GMT
From:redshift0@narod.ru (Alexander Chepick)
Newsgroups: sci.physics, alt.sci.physics.new-theories
Theory of the Absolute
Key words:
Theory of the Absolute - the preferred frame
PACS: 98.80

The Absolute exists,
the principle of a relativity is not carried out

by A.M.Chepik, Nizhni Novgorod,

e-mail: redshift0@narod.ru


There is a medium which penetrates all bodies and microparticles, and limits and influences speed of all processes in the universe, in particular, the processes measuring time. The principle of a relativity cannot be carried out in full as clock react to their movement. The degree of their reaction depends on speed of their movement in the medium. Not any clock moving relatively of the Terrestrial observer will have smaller rate. If speed of clock in absolute frame of reference (AFR) less speed of the Terrestrial observer a rate of these clocks will be more, than on clocks of our observer. Detection of such effect quite possibly for rockets of system GLONAS (or GPS) on a sector of movement of a rocket in direction back to movement of the Earth in AFR.


Experiments with clocks on the plane and on air station, with clocks on edge and in the center of horizontal circle rotating quickly , with clocks on satellites JPS and on the Earth, show reduction of rate of a moving clock (in the latter case it is necessary to take into account influence on clocksof different gravitational potential). The conclusion has been made of these experiments:

The moving clock show smaller time than motionless clock in the same conditions.

However full clearness is not present so far, why, when and how it occurs, though this effect is predicted with the help of transformations of Lorentz. One moment is clear: the difference in indications is reaction of clocks to their movement. But whence the information about this movement is received? If a source of the information is some body then all bodies are sources of the information on movement of considered clock concerning each of other bodies. But then the information on movement of clocks will be different as relative speeds of other bodies can be any, and the information will come to considered clock with a different delay by virtue of restriction of speed of transfer of interaction. And as indications of clock are unequivocal (on each clock there is a screen for display) these indications cannot depend on distances up to other bodies, and from their relative speeds. Hence, the source of this information cannot be outside of clock but if the source will move together with clock, then in that case the speed of clock concerning a source will be zero and consequently cannot be the reason of change of rate of clock.

Thus, relative movement cannot be cause of change of clock's rate. There is only one opportunity for an explanation of the available facts: clock is moving through a medium, a medium passes through the clock and is by source of the information during movement of clock. (Somebody suggest to assume the uniform gravitational and electromagnetic field created in aggregate by all objects of the universe, by this medium, but this offer does not change sense of the answer - the essence of medium varies, but the medium remains.) Rate of the processes passing in clock, somehow depends on speed of movement of clock in the medium. We shall take into account that for all clocks a situation is the same.


Consequence 1. There is a medium which penetrates all bodies and microparticles, and limits and influences speed of all processes in the universe, in particular, the processes measuring time.

Consequence 2. The principle of a relativity cannot be carried out in full as clock react to their movement. The degree of their reaction depends on speed of their movement in the medium.

Consequence 3. Identical clocks, motionless in the medium, should have identical (maximal) rate, as they do not differ by any space parameters.

Consequence 4. It is not known, that is it medium, but per it it is possible to connect system of reference with motionless clocks.

Consequence 5. This system of reference is preferred by a construction. Observation on the microwave background radiation shows that medium must be homogeneous, in it there are no streams or movement of one part of medium concerning another. The system of reference linked to a homogeneous medium, we shall name Absolute (AFR).

Consequence 6. As the Earth obviously has a noninertial moving through the medium. it is possible to define speed of the Earth in AFR with help of measuring of a change of rate of clocks on the Earth . It is constructive algorithm of determination of AFR in the Universe. (ISure, thus constructed AFR will coincide with IFR, in which microwave background radiation is isotropic).

Consequence 7. Not any clock moving relatively of the Terrestrial observer will have smaller rate. If speed of clock in AFR less speed of the Terrestrial observer a rate of these clocks will be more, than on clocks of our observer. Detection of such effect quite possibly for rockets of system GLONAS (or GPS) on a sector of movement of a rocket in direction back to movement of the Earth in AFR.

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